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Took me a good minute. Fun game 😁


(1 edit)

GGs, finally got clean Day 7 :)


Great game! as a UE dev, its odly realistic


This game was so much fun. It was clean and easy to figure out. The only thing I would "change" is to add more levels, I know with game jams there's a time limit, maybe there could be a procedural method to add more nodes and make it unlimited?


Great Game! I Wish There Was An Endless Mode Though.


GG, finding a perfect solution was fun.



i like this very much ... cool programming work !!

simple and nice flow


Clean day 7! For extra torture challenge I did it without zooming/panning the camera


Clean no intersections last level (this take so long to run)


Oh yeah
This scratched an itch
(Day 7)


Finally got it! (Day 7)

running the clean answer is so satisfying :)


Day 7! :)


My day 7 solution


its also possible for every single line to cross


all of them are possible without crossing


Yes it is! Great job!


I love your game! I wish it was longer, would totally buy it.


day 5 solution. had to test it to make sure it worked.

my day 4 solution.

(1 edit)

Day 7 solution.


Maybe not the cleanest one, but here is mine.
Great game


My cleanest and fastest solution:

mines the same lol.

perfectly matches my Blender experience

Really cool game lol.


Nice game

Best solution!

This brings back memories :(

Computer Science Major here:
Great game!! I loved it a lot.
Took me 10 minutes to beat and here is my uncrossed solution to the DAY 7:

This was really fun and creative! Great take on the theme of "Scale"!


Incredibly fun. Thank you for making!


This was really fun, I didn't realize how much time had passed while I puzzled out these connections. Nice work!


Here is my uncrossed solution

Man i love this game so much, i wish there'd be more

I never knew my untold hours in articy:draft X would prepare me for playing a puzzle game. Really nice idea!

btw, if you're going to keep working on this, a good quality-of-life feature would be to allow the player to just click on an end node to start drawing a new line, rather than having to hold the mouse button down.

A really fun game!  Here's my uncrossed solution to the final part:

Thanks for making this!  

Let me share my unclean solution rs

really fun game,

it took me over an hour but here's my no overlap solution:

My level 7 solution:


My no-overlapping day 7 solution except I rearranged it to be more cursed (When expanded the overlaps go away)


Here it is unfolded

I did it

Loving it!

(5 edits) (+1)

This is just everyday work for me in Unreal :D

everyday unreal blueprints

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